Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Menstrual Cycle Essay - 769 Words
The menstrual cycle occurs in the uterus and the ovary as a part of making sexual reproduction possible. The menstrual cycle is a monthly occurrence and happens so the ovary can produce eggs and the uterus can get ready for an egg becoming fertilized. (Wikipedia) The menstrual cycle is a complex cycle and is controlled by hormones produced by many different glands. The hypothalamus causes the pituitary gland to produces chemicals which then cause the ovaries to produce the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Each gland and structure is affected by the activity of another which is a biofeedback . The menstrual cycle has been assumed to last around 28 days and happens in four stages, the menstrual phase (day 1-5), follicular phase (day†¦show more content†¦Negative feedback is caused from the low levels of oestrogen, sending a message to the pituitary gland to increase the levels of FSH and LH. The second phase, follicular phase also starts on the first day of menstruation but unlike the menstruation phase it last until day 13. During this phase the hormone oestrogen is produced, which cause the uterus lining to grow, getting ready to receive a fertilized egg if you happen to get pregnant. (Menstrupedia) The hormone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) also stimulates the growth of the ovarian follicles. Each of the follicles contains an immature egg. Towards the end of the follicle stage only one follicle will remain active. While the egg cell matures, this stimulates the uterus starts to thicken and prepare for pregnancy. The developing follicle causes a rise in the oestrogen levels which is detected by the hypothalamus which releases the hormone gonadotrophn releasing hormone (GnRH) which prompts the pituitary gland to produce higher levels of luteinising hormone (LH) and FSH. The third phase, ovulation phase happens on day 14, is the release of a mature egg, which usually happens around two weeks before the start of menstruation. (Menstrupedia) During this phase meiosis I occurs so a secondary oocyte is formed. Meiosis I is the dividing of a cell to produce two haploid cells. The high levels of LH, within two days, triggers ovulation. The uterus lining prepares for implantation as it continues to grow andShow MoreRelatedMenstrual Cycle7395 Words  | 30 PagesCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Menstrual cycle is a process experienced by every female at one point in their life cycle. In the olden days a young lady experiences her first menstruation in her late teens or early twenties. In recent times, however, some begin their menstrual cycle as early as nine years. The age at menarche (the first time a girl or a young woman menstruates) is widely considered as an important landmark in sexual maturity. 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Most research to date has examined how the menstrual cycle, specifically hormones levels at different stages within the cycle, influence appetite and eating behaviors such as food intakeRead MoreA Flow of Meaning: The Symbolism of the Menstrual Cycle in ZZ Packer’s â€Å"Every Tongue Shall Confess†1745 Words  | 7 PagesBaldwin ï ¿ ½ PAGE * MERGEFORMAT ï ¿ ½1ï ¿ ½ Helena Baldwin Ms. ONeal English 1102 10 October 2011 A Flow of Meaning: The Symbolism of the Menstrual Cycle in ZZ Packers Every Tongue Shall Confess The menstrual cycle has long been considered a symbol of many different things in cultures around the world: in many African cultures, for example, it is recognized as the link to the passing on of life and as such is celebrated by many African women, and in many Judeo-Christian cultures it symbolizes uncleanlinessRead MoreFemale Athletes And The Female Athlete, By Irene Lambrinoudaki And Dimitra Papadimitriou1063 Words  | 5 Pagesharming themselves more by being an athlete and training hard each day. This slowly depletes the bone mass in your body, eventually making one weaker ( ). Menstrual cycles in women are necessary to have proper bone health, involving estrogen. If one is delayed in getting their menstrual cycle or any type of disturbance with their cycle, they are at risk for BMD. This is both nonathletes and athletes, however more common in athletes. This occurs do to the low amount of estrogen a women might haveRead MoreThe First Time A Girl1380 Words  | 6 Pageswhen you get your period, also known as menstruation, your body sheds the lining of the uterus. The menstrual blood flows through the cervix and out of the body through the vagina. A typical period lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days. Here are some important things to know about your periods, for both young women just learning about menstruation and those who are experiencing changes in their typical cycle. ï ¿ ¼ Why You Get Your Periods Every month, an egg begins to grow in one of your ovaries. AfterRead MoreFor Many People (Both Male And Female), The Whole Idea901 Words  | 4 Pagessystem in both male and females. In females, breasts develop, hair grows under the arms and pubic area and menstruation begins (King Regan, 2014). Once ovulation and menstruation starts the female can become pregnant. Inquiring about one’s menstrual cycle can help to the counselor and client decipher some problems the client may be having. Some girls, according to King et al., (2014), have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome that cause emotional and/or physical issues 3 to 14 days before menses beginsRead MoreBenefits of Triphasic Contraceptives1503 Words  | 7 Pagesregimen has allowed further reductions in total monthly hormone exposure and more closely mimics the dynamic hormonal picture of the female menstrual cycle. During its conception, scientists hypothesised that such physiologically appropriate lower doses would a fford triphasic COC’s fewer side-effects, whilst maintaining contraceptive efficacy and satisfactory cycle control [7-8]. Of the currently available multiphasic agents, triphasic COCs have almost replaced biphasic COC’s and contain up to 40% lowerRead MoreWhy The Bathroom Is A Basic Necessity1241 Words  | 5 Pages(Black and Fawcett 9). One in five girls drop out of school when their periods begin, and those who don’t usually miss five days of school every month (Khan and Gokhale). The main concern the girls face is the inability to properly control their menstrual cycle because of the unavailability of feminine hygiene products. In India, only 12% of 355 million women can afford sanitary pads or tampons for menstruation (Khan and Gokhale). Those who cannot afford sanitary products, â€Å"†¦ rely on old fabric, husks
Monday, December 16, 2019
Top Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples Choices
Top Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples Choices There are distinct means of structuring different kinds of essays. Another type of evidence that's often utilized as an alternate to actual facts or statistics is the anecdote. One of the greatest means by which you can be prepared is to stay on top of current events and read articles such as these. Take into consideration the context of the true world. Students cannot merely retake the essay part of the SAT alone. Students who opt to compose the essay now have 50 minutes instead of merely 25. Essay writing is normally practiced is schools. Writing an essay is a vital role in academe life. To structure an essay, you should simply comply with the above mentioned format. Essays term papers dissertations and a lot more. For better comprehension of employing the SAT Score for studying abroad, it's always encouraged to take expert opinion. If a student makes the decision to skip the essay part of the SAT and applies to a college or university that needs a score for the writing part of the SAT, the student is going to have to retake the full SAT. The SAT test is given seven times per year in the United States of america. The SAT test provided by College Board covers a wide scope of topics. What sort of paragraph receives the greatest scores from graders. No longer is it at the start of the test. You are requested to correct the errors by deciding on the finest possible replacement. The majority of the test remained the exact same. The Upside to Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples The Writingscore determines the grade of the student's writing. Don't forget that, although it's optional, you still ought to attempt it to make a great impression on the colleges of your selection. Students should find out more about the colleges and universities where they want to know more about applying to figure out which schools require an SAT writing score. Some students object to this idea as it takes away their individuality, but I think there are a lot of explanations for why school uniforms may be recommended. The major point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of kinds of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. A few examples of fantastic work always assist and increase the flow. So you'll have some source material to work with for your practice session, take a couple of minutes to do a little bit of quick, informal research through internet searches to obtain a notion of a fe w points on either side of the problem. Both options have unique advantages and they're equally good with quantifiable advantages. Because many exams need you to write persuasive essays, it might be a great concept to begin your practice with one. Bear in mind that you would like to capture the experience of taking a genuine essay exam. This all-inclusive guide provides you access to more practice tests than every other guide out there. It tells where you are able to get completely free practice tests graded online and essays graded free of charge by computer. The Unexposed Secret of Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples How it is possible to impress graders with your very first paragraph every time by utilizing any one of five easy and simple to remember ideas. The writing needs to be educational. My book also includes a no questions asked, 365 day money-back guarantee. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writin g. The Hidden Facts on Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples Some consider essay writing a burden even though others see it like a chance to share their ideas and opinions. To compose an impressive short essay, especially during an examination, you should be in a position to hit the question and offer a straightforward answer while at the exact same time observing the proper structure of an essay. Also, ensure that your essay is reasonable and is communicating your intended argument effectively. The SSAT essay is the initial portion of the SSAT exam. Select a prompt at random from above, or pick a topic which you think will be hard that you detach from (because you're going to want to write about the subject, instead of the argument) set timer to 50 minutes and compose the essay. The trick is to solving this issue is overcome what's called functional fixedness. The simplest way to set the form of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. The Argument About Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples Occasionally it can even correct aged errors in thought and place an end to wrong actions. Think freely, but you're not permitted to think of anything else besides the topic accessible. If you write quickly when you have everything synthesized, then you are probably going to want to have more time to analyze the job. Regardless of what, attempt to leave some time at the limit to check over your work. Introducing Sat Practice Essay # 2 Student Samples Y ou may practice the overall format of a CV, but it's ampler to examine the web site of the university where you're applying. Any other important information may also be included. You are needed to mention different information about yourself in your resume. Now that you understand what you wish to support, you have to find evidence for this support.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Bertoly Brechts Mother Courage Drama Essay Example For Students
Bertoly Brechts Mother Courage Drama Essay Bertolt Brecht s position on the map of theater was that it should arouse its audience to alter. The heroic poem theater, Karl Marx and German managers Max Reinhardt and Erwin Piscator were all inspiration for Brecht s theory on the societal map of theater. ( ? ? ? 2004: 709 )Brecht s essays Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Instruction and The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre clearly sketch his apprehension of what heroic poem theater is and how it should be used in pattern. In both essays, Brecht explains what makes the heroic theatre different from modern and dramatic theater and discusses the techniques available with heroic poem theater and the effects they can hold on the audience. When comparing his drama Mother Courage and Her Children to the two essays, it is clear that Brecht has used the essays about as guidelines to compose the drama and set his theories on heroic poem theater into pattern. Mother Courage and Her Children is an highly typical Brechtian drama as it contains all the elements that Brecht wanted to include in his dramas in order to show his new signifier of theater which he believed had a greater societal map. One of the most obvious illustrations of Brecht s essays being put into pattern in Mother Courage and Her Children is Brecht s usage of narrative alternatively of the secret plan. Each scene begins with a narrative description of what will go on in that scene, and the drama itself starts with a prologue which introduces the cardinal character ( Mother Courage ) and reveals what the drama is approximately. Despite the fact that there is a plot line running through the drama, the narrative manner ties in with Brecht s purpose of non giving the audience the opportunity to go emotionally attached to the characters. The manner in which the drama jumps with each scene keeps the storyline general and tied more to the greater societal events running throughout the drama instead than individual, single events in a peculiar scene. Having spent much of his life in Germany and sing two universe wars, it should come as no surprise that many of Brecht s dramas, including Mother Courage and Her Children, characteristic war as the overruling subject of the drama. Brecht believed that war was a continuance of concern by other agencies. Brecht s theory on theater meant that he did non desire his audience to emotionally sympathize with the characters on phase. In fact, Brecht intentionally created characters which would be capable to unfavorable judgment from the audience. In order to ask for this active instead than inactive response from the audience, to arouse a reaction, Brecht instils traits in his characters which tend to do the audience non place with them, but knock them. Mother Courage is portrayed as a strong, witty, formidable adult female whose exclusive intent is to supply a life for both herself and her kids. She is a sacrificial character and her love for her kids draws an audience to like her. What prevents the audience from sympathizing with her is her highly contradictory nature. Whilst drawing out a knife at the Sergeant and Recruiting Officer to protect her kids, Courage calls refers to herself and her kids as peaceable kinds . The Sergeant s cool answer of your knife shows the kind you are farther shows Courage s contradictions. ( Brecht 2004: 715 ) When directing her girl Kattrin into town with the Clerk, Courage tells her non to worry and that nothing will go on , but upon Kattrin s return where she is wounded, Courage claims she should neer hold Lashkar-e-Taiba her travel. When reasoning with the Cook over a possible move to Utrecht, Courage tries to stop the conversation with that s adequate , merely to go on it herself moments subsequently. In the same scene, Courage encourages Kattrin for the two to travel with the Cook to run his saloon in Utrecht because life on the route is no kind of life , but after she sees Kattrin seeking to run away she rapidly turns on the Cook and inquiries what she and Kattrin would of all time make in a saloon. Of class the greatest contradiction of all throughout the drama is Courage s changeless unfavorable judgment of the war off of which she makes her populating. It is this contradictory nature of Courage s which invariably reminds the audience to see the character from a distance, analyse her so to talk, and non sympathize with her state of affairs. Had Mother Courage been presented as a fully-rounded character, the audience would hold been tempted to sympathize ; but her presentation as a self-contradictory character helps to jolt the audience into some sort of reaction. ( Leach 1994: 136 )Mother Courage is non the lone character in the drama that is given a specific trait to maintain the audience empathising and going emotionally involved with her. Her boies Eilif and Swiss Cheese are both killed in the drama, and it is because of their defects that they are killed. Her eldest boy, Eilif, is strong and intelligent, but his daring costs him his life. Her younger boy, Swiss Cheese, is simple and honest, but he excessively is led to his decease because of his stupidity. Ancient Egyptian Religion as Seen in Art and Architecture Essay The leaps in clip between each scene of Mother Courage and Her Children are typical of Brecht s purpose to acquire the audience to look at the events that have taken topographic point from a more general period of clip instead than a specific point.One of the cardinal parts of Brecht s theory on theater was that the audience should invariably cognize that what they are watching is non world but a building being presented on phase. By making so, Brecht could demo to his audience that what they were watching was non world but a presented image of world, and that could animate alteration. To this terminal Brecht used several techniques in many of his dramas ( including Mother Courage and Her Children ) which allowed him to uncover that the drama was so a building. A typical Brechtian technique used in the drama is the usage of phase waies at the start of each scene, which so uncover what is traveling to go on in that scene. By utilizing these phase waies ( either spoken aloud or displayed with posters on phase ) Brecht is able to both remind his audience that what they are watching is a building. Besides, by stating the audience what will go on before it happens, Brecht can extinguish the daze factor, therefore maintaining the audience off from holding an experience and focused on larning from the action on phase. Openly uncovering that the drama is non existent allows Brecht to forestall any sense of emotional fond regard to the piece. This can be linked to Brecht s essay The Modern Theatre is The Epic Theatre where he says: †¦once semblance is sacrificed to free treatment, and one time the witness, alternatively of being enabled to hold an experience, is forced as it were to project his ballot ; so a alteration has been launched which goes far beyond formal affairs and Begins for the first clip to impact the theater s societal map. Brecht provinces in his essay The Modern Theatre is Epic Theatre that words, music and scene must go more independent of one another. ( mention ) This statement is echoed in Mother Courage and Her Children as Brecht uses non merely duologue and phase waies but vocals and music in the drama, and makes certain that the vocals used are seen on an equal degree to the other elements such as words. In fact, Scene Ten of the drama is constructed wholly of merely a few phase waies and vocal. By giving the vocals such importance in the drama, on the same degree as phase waies and duologue, Brecht implements his thought into pattern, demoing that he has used his two essays about as guidelines for composing Mother Courage and Her Children. Songs are besides used in the drama to suit in with Brecht s theory that plays should non be presented to the audience as world, but as a building. The direct bringing of a vocal from a character to the audience, therefore interrupting the 4th wall, is one of the ways in which the audience is reminded that they are so watching a drama. The vocals besides tend to reflect the societal and political subjects of the drama and animate the audience to believe about what they are watching. Looking at Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Instruction and The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre in comparing with Mother Courage and Her Children, it is clear to see that the drama falls into all of the classs that Brecht lists in his two essays for his theory on the map of theater. Throughout the drama the focal point is taken off from the characters single emotions and drawn to the greater societal and political forces which affect the characters. The drama is used as a treatment forum of kinds for some of the common Brechtian subjects such as war, faith and household. The usage of non-naturalist techniques such as posters and vocals helps to interrupt the semblance that the audience creates and prevents them from developing empathy for and emotional fond regard to the characters. The leaps in clip between each scene of the drama maintain the audience s focal point on the procedure over clip and non at a fixed point. Mother Courage and Her Children is without inquiry of Brecht s most typical dramas and it is clear to see his essays Theatre for Pleasure or Theatre for Instruction and The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre have been put into pattern to make the drama and animate the audience to alter, instead than experience.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Serial Killers Research Paper Example
Serial Killers Paper A serial killer is an individual who has killed three or more people over a period of time and whose motivation for murder is mainly based on emotional satisfaction. Serial killers have a callous exploitative personality with no emotions and have no ability to feel guilt of anything they do. Some scientists have argued that psychopathy is genetically determined, and the individuals have little power to control its effects. Others have disregarded this outlook of the issue due to lack of significant abnormality in serial killer’s brains. Studies of majority of serial killers have revealed that there is reduced connectivity between the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex leading to fewer emotions after processing of negative stimuli (Fox Levin 2014). People with this deficit do not feel embarrassed or nervous after being caught up engaging in inhuman acts. The serial killers only suffer from physical pain and not emotional pain. Psychopaths experience difficulties when following rules of morality irrespective of great knowledge and understanding of the rule. Unlike psychotics, psychopaths do not suffer from any form of mental disorder and suffer from personality disorder. Unfortunately, personality disorder is more difficult to cure when compared to mental disorders affecting the psychotics. Some of the world’s major serial killers normally work on calculated and manipulative strategies that indicate an absence of any mental disorder. They do not suffer from hallucinations and delusions (Goodwill Alison 2005) Gunness Belle Gunness Belle was little known in USA before emigrating there from Norway between 1881 and 1886. It is alleged that she had got pregnant at the age of 17, and the boyfriend had beaten and hence caused a miscarriage. It is rumored that the man who had kicked her died later with symptoms of poisoning and this is the probable the reason she moved to America or alternatively, she had moved to unite with her sister who had moved to USA earlier (Wilson, 2014). We will write a custom essay sample on Serial Killers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Serial Killers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Serial Killers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Belle’s first victim was the husband she married in 1893 from Chicago. Initially, the couple seemed happy and had a confectionary store. They had four children and one foster child living with them. The confectionary store business did not flourish well as Belle expected, but the building harboring the store caught fire, and they were compensated by the insurance cover. It is alleged that Belle had secretly started the fire (Gibson, 2009). Two of their children died from acute colitis; however, acute colitis symptoms resemble poisoning that makes many suspects that Belle could still have poisoned them. The two kids had an insurance cover that made Belle richer. Her husband died later; the doctors gave a report that his heart gave out. Belle was further compensated for around 8000 dollars by the insurance company; a colossal amount of money then. She bought a farm in La Porte and shortly after purchasing the farm, a section of it burned down; she was compensated further by the insurance companies. She later met her second lover who was a widower with two kids (Gibson, 2009). They moved together with each partner contributing two children to the family. They younger daughter of Mr. Gunness died shortly after marriage from unknown causes. In 1902, she killed Mr. Gunness using a meat chopper, the foster daughter witnessed the scenario but the coroner was convinced that she was innocent on the issue since she was pregnant (Glyn, 2011). She later cashed over 3000 dollars from her husband’s insurance policy. Luckily, Mr.Gunness elder daughter was taken by her uncle who most likely saved her from death (Gibson, 2009). Long-term impact of losing a baby from criminality while pregnant can be linked to emotion problems like depression and anxiety. Such memories of loss might have always made her shocked and angry. She may remember a series of events leading to the death of the kid and hence blame herself that has long-term effect and magnification over time instead of reduction (Glyn, 2011). Belle was not born in USA and migrated there; people migrate in search for a better life although migrating can have a negative impact to some personalities causing stress that affects one’s mental health and well-being. The combination of the migration process together with her traumatic loss might have contributed to change of personality and hence converting her into a serial killer. From her previous experience, finding a new place with vast and different cultures must have been daunting and scary for her. The only way she could have coped is by getting herself occupied and busy. Her children had insurance policies, and some believe that Belle killed the children to benefit from the policies. Belle killed two of her children namely Axel and Caroline. The above allegations might have been true; Belle was financially struggling after emigrating to U.S.A. Her desperation for money might have degraded her attachments to the importance of life. Belle was very violent in her killings. She cut the body of the victims and threw them to pigs and usually killed her lovers using Sausage graders. Though Belle greatest motivation might have been money, she still possessed a deep-seated anger of those that she had killed or harmed in the past. Violence might have been one of her ways of releasing this self-blame and anger while increasing her wealth and developing independence. Another fascinating incidence is where Belle tried to poison some of her victims, some psychologists believe that there was hierarchy in her killings but basing the argument on her victims, there is no logical reasoning behind the method she chose to kill her victims. Poisoning is equivalent to cutting someone into pieces and ensures one suffers and writhes in pain before dying. Almost all her victims had to suffer before dying. It is symbolic in that it might have been a way of mimicking her experience with miscarriage. It is apparent that Belle lacked conscience or empathy; she normally used blatant deception to attract her victims. Belle was a very cold woman; she could carry out abortions and also claim that unknown children are hers only to kill them. She lured men with her wealth and then killed them together with their children. Belle disappeared; there is a probability that she escaped unnoticed since she was a very determined woman who was very selfish, and probably she faked her death (Hickey, 2012). Charles Manson Charles Manson was born in November 12, 1934 by a teenage mother who had run away from home at the age of 15. His mother was a total drunkard and could not care for him; he spent his youth with his relatives, reform schools and boys homes. He started involving in car stealing and general burglary. He was arrested severally and after release in 1954 on parole for the good behavior, Manson married Rosalie Willis and gave birth to a son Charles Manson Jr. Charles Manson had continued to make extra cash from stealing cars, and his wife divorced him after discovering it (Fox Levin 2003). He was arrested again in 1960 and spent six years in prison. In the prison, he met Alvin Karpis, who was a member of Ma Barker’s gang. Alvin taught Manson to play steel guitar and became obsessed by music; he wrote several songs and started singing. He was strongly convinced that once outside the prison he would become a famous musician. He was released in 1967. Equipped with guitar and expertise in stealing and drugs, Manson started to gather followers. The Beach Boys recorded one of the Manson songs titled â€Å"Never Learn Not to Love†because he was their close ally. He managed to make a cult of â€Å"the Family†. He predicted a war between the blacks and the whites in 1968 after listening the song from the Beatles namely â€Å"Helter Skelter†(Manson, 2006). After the supposed war had failed to happen, Manson resulted into violence and had to show the blacks how to do it. He directed his followers to kill specific people, at one incidence they attacked the house of Terry Melcher, who had failed to support Manson’s music career and killed all the occupants. Investigators landed on him, and he was arrested together several of his followers. He was sentenced to death, but the death penalty was outlawed that saw Manson spend the rest of his life in Jail (Hendrickson et al., 2007). On many cases alcohol has been termed as a family problem, it does not only affect those taking it, but also the family members and the people surrounding the family (Atchison Heide 2011). Studies have shown that children who grow up in alcoholic families experience emotional problems that if not well monitored can result to destructive behavior. Alcohol makes the children feel insecure, anxious and vulnerable. Children of alcoholics find it very hard to cope in life. Such memories from a child can make them internalize their sadness hence becoming withdrawn. They might also try to deny these facts and try to pretend that nothing happened. Some like Charles Manson opted to resolve their internal sadness through violent behavior. Charles was also small in stature and probably suffered from ‘short man syndrome.’ There is a history of short men being associated with violence; one good example is Hitler Adolf. This does not mean that all short men are aggressive. Inferiority complex can play a role in violent behavior basing the argument on the fact that there were other underlying factors in our case. Small men experience pressure to display their masculinity in the current world that is dominated by one personal appearance. Combined with biological influences, this can be a very dangerous concoction in the society. At the age of 12, Charles had raped another boy, not necessarily that he was gay but might have been a mechanism to gain dominance by demeaning the boy. Charles had other frustrations; he had tried unsuccessfully to join the music industry by pursuing his music career (Purdy, 2014). Such frustrations combined with his chaotic childhood might have contributed to the personality of Charles Manson we know today. Naming two of his children after himself indicated his narcissistic and self-centered personality. He viewed his children as an extension of self. Charles Manson usually saw something in the song lyrics of the Beatles titled Helter Skelter. The song was produced and released when Charles was predicting a racial war. If someone is strongly convinced, then most probably will try their best to ensure what they believe comes true. This is very easily associated with music where the message in song lyrics is subject to interpretation by the listener with disregard to musicians’ initial message. Charles had predicted race war and the song Helter Skelter intensified his believe (Psychologytoday, 2014). Narcissistic characters are normally very composed and have a tendency of attracting the attention; Charles did not commit his murders directly and only convinced his followers to commit them. It is through his charisma that made him a very effective leader to his followers. They viewed him like a ‘God’ whom the followers believed that they must obey and believed that he requested all what was essential to be done. Charles had much confidence in himself and rated himself highly; he could not participate in doing something that he could get others doing and hence has no record of killing his victims directly. People have been emailing him in prison that indicates his power to captivate and command respect (Psychologytoday 2014). Ted Bundy Ted Bundy was born on November 24. He performed well at school and was normally uneasy in the environment since his peers were extremely rich and had to change and join Sophomore University to cover his financial insufficiency (Rule, King, BBC Audiobooks America, 2009) It was in 9167 when he met a lady who shared skill and passion with him and usually sent much of their time together. His lover was rich and sophisticated, and Bundy had exaggerated his accomplishments to impress her. The lady found the real character and background of Bundy and decided that he lacked a brighter future hence left him. He experienced a great depression that made him drop out of school. During this period he discovered that the woman she referred to as the sister was his mother, and his grandfather was actually his father (Crocker, 2000). His energy was rejuvenated after learning these facts that made him drop his shyness and went back to college where he graduated with a Bachelors degree in psychology. Bundy worked tirelessly to ensure that Governor Dan Evans was reelected and after he was reelected considered Bundy for a post in Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory. This was his best period because now he was a successful politician and had both his old girlfriend and his new catch (Bundy et al., 2005) He began serial killing in 1974 with two ladies who were sailing. He later joined Utah University Law School he tried to attack a lady by the name Carol DaRonch unsuccessfully, and few hours later 17 years old girl was reported missing. A grave of bones was discovered in the Washington forest and later identified as belonging to the two lost ladies in Washington and the 17 years old girl (Dekle, 2011). Through investigations, a profile of a man known as ‘Ted’ was created that comprised of descriptions of the car, his blood group and approaches he used to lure his victims. From the investigations, they were able to determine that the serial killer had the capability to move from state to state. He did several killings in Colorado, and all the victims had similar contusions on their head and through the same manner of death (Crocker, 2000). Ted Bundy was arrested in 1975 on suspicion of burglary and later charged with kidnapping after the items picked from his car resembled those collected from various crime scenes. He was charged and jailed for 15 years after being found guilty of murdering DaRonch. Other charges followed later. He was his own lawyer and had the freedom to walk without leg irons. He tried to escape from the courtroom by jumping out of the window and was captured a week later. He escaped from prison again and rented an apartment near Florida University. He killed more women and was seen by an eyewitness, Nita Neary, who keenly observed him. He also left a mask at one of the crime scenes that was similar to the one found in his car during his first arrest. He was arrested again in February 1978. He was found guilty of all the murder charges and sentenced to death on an electric chair (Dekle, 2011). People who thought they knew Ted Bundy well had advocated his candidacy as the governor of Washington State. They knew very little about him since he could camouflage socially. Bundy Ted is one of the most notorious killers and before his execution in 1989 confessed to having killed 30 young women. He was educated and very charming and hence only few women could resist him. He also persuaded the law intellectually to save himself from Florida’s electric chair although finally he failed. Bundy had taken psychology classes and hence got information from him was very difficult. The psychologists grilling him normally found him very clean irrespective of the external evidence linking him to violent behavior (Barden, Maddux, Petty, Brewer, 2004). Bundy blamed his addiction to pornography for his violent behavior. Bundy crossed the line of erotic fantasy becoming a serial killer. Ted Bundy was a sexual psychopath and had sexual sadistic behaviors. He was very insecure and intelligent, insecure because majority of his classmates were wealthy. He was a very shy guy who had a strong dependency on women and hence had fear of being humiliated by women. He rarely dated and mostly stayed lonely. Ted Bundy started his violent life with burglarizing homes and shoplifting; he usually assaulted women sexually before eventually killing them. Majority of his victims were single white women. He killed across different states that showed that he used a vehicle to access his victims (Aamodt Moyse 2003). It is suspected that his serial killings were triggered by his college charming girlfriend who left him desperately. Bundy also had thought that his mother was his sister, and it was rumored that his father was also his grandfather. Bundy was a Serial killer who did a lot of planning to kill his victims. He knew how to conceal evidence having attended law units and had a wide knowledge of police procedures; six of his victims have not been found yet (Krueger, 2009). Categories of serial killers It is not possible to completely understand and categorize serial killers but it is possible to evaluate their practices and methods in order to define what type of criminal they are. However, depending on the nature of their crime, Federal Bureau of Investigations has categorized serial killers in three different categories according to how they carry out their killings. Comprehending the category at which a serial killer can be categorized make it at ease for Federal Bureau of Investigations to investigate their crimes and bring them to justice. The categories of these serial killers help greatly on describing the type at which that serial killer falls into. These categories include organized, unorganized and mixed serial killers (Ramsland, 2006). Organized serial killers An organized serial killer is the most serial killer to capture and identify because he or she is very intelligent with an IQ ranging to almost 120. Nevertheless, their intelligence assists them so much to plan crimes well and in advance with much precautions so that no evidence can be got from the crime. In most cases, organized serial killers are married or they live with their girlfriends. They plan the crime before the chance occurs for weeks, months or even years before performing it. Organized serial killer often socialize with the victim and apply methods such as tricking and charming in order for the victim to be unable to overcome that situation (Mariotte, 2010). It is collective for this category of criminals to watch victims for numerous days before finding someone they can consider as a good aim. Organized serial killers are always aware of the growing compulsion to act their deadly desire. When the victim is chosen, this category of serial killer will pick them up, frequently through some kind of designed strategy in order to advance their compassion. Later, they take the victim to another place where they commit the killing. In simple terms, organized serial killers typically apply checks on the victim, whereby they bring a weapon and makes sure that the weapon is taken when they leave (Vronsky, 2004). After the victim is killed, this type of serial killer takes thorough precautions to ensure that the body cannot be identified or located. They even follow the reports of their crimes in the media and then travels to a different town or modify their job when they detect they can be noticed. In addition, organized serial killers keep improving their strategies by learning police investigative approaches and the longer they commit murders, the more impossible for the police to arrest them. One of the main motivating factors for this category of serial killers is that they even murder the officers who attempt to investigate their crime. Examples of organized serial killers include the likes of Ted Buddy who committed seventeen crime scenes without being noticed. Before he was identified by the police, he was undertaking a law course in a school of law therefore he had much of intelligence about law. It is understood that out of the seventeen crimes he committed, six of his victims have not been located up to now and that is why he considered himself as the only professor in serial killing (Thomas, 2010). Ted Buddy had a girlfriend and owned a car which he applied to commit his crimes. He could regularly park it in the college parking and pretend to have an injury on his leg, it is at this point where he could trick the aide especially girls and then commit the crime. Disorganized serial killers Contrary, disorganized serial killers do not plan about their crimes in any way. Their IQ ranges between 80 and 95 and it is considered as below the average. This category of serial killer can be described as insensible to the crime because in most cases, disorganized serial killer kills people at the wrong places and in the wrong time. Although, they do not plan their crimes, it is difficult to catch them than even the organized serial killers because they cannot be predicted. They have intense and vague deadly cases but what is odd about these cases is that they are not planned so they do not have a thought out plan of the crime. However, in contrary to organized serial killers, disorganized offenders do not cover up any sensible signs of their crime and have a habit of travelling from one state or town to another recurrently to avoid being apprehended (Ramsland, 2006). The dismay which occur at the crime scene may include evidence such as ejaculate, murder weapon and blood. They hardly have adjacent family or friends and therefore they stay in one place for just short time and then move to another place. In most of the crimes committed by disorganized serial killers, there is slight application of reskills since the victim is usually starved to unconsciousness when he or she encounter this disorganized serial killer. Moreover, the body of the victim is usually exposed to the public because it is often left where the crime take place, and it is endangered to unusual injuries. This category of killers is susceptible to have no remembrance of what they deed and most of them admit that they were inspired by opinions from other sources or by their own opinions. Contradictory, disorganized serial killers are not educated, trained and do not have any skills of what they are doing (Vronsky, 2004). Nevertheless, Crime Archives (2007) indicates Miguel Rivera as one of the disorganized serial killers. It is believed that between April 1972 and September 1973, Miguel Rivera haphazardly attacked young boys on the Upper West Side of New York and in apartment buildings in East Harlem. Miguel Rivera stabbed and sodomized eight years old boy for a maximum of thirty nine minutes and even attempted to cut his penis. In addition, the bodies of three other boys were found in different places; one in the hall, the next one in the basements, and the other one in the rooftops of various apartments, with their private parts cut off and wounded to death. When he was arrested, Rivera appealed that God had informed him to alter those boys into girls. Mixed serial killers The third category of serial killers is referred as mixed serial killers. These are the killers who cannot be easily differentiated as either organized or disorganized. Their crimes involve two or more criminals, whereby there may be unexpected happenings that the criminal had not scheduled for, therefore, the criminal may change the plans or victim may battle during the progression of a crime or over a succession. However, in this category of serial killers, the sort of crime comprise some evidence of planning because there is poor cover-up of the victim’s body. According to Vronsky (2004), the location of this kind of crime might be in a great panic meaning that there will be a great pact of physical violence experienced by the victim. Moreover, the criminal may be involved in alcohol and drugs or may be young. The good example of a mixed serial killer is Richard Ramirez who killed nineteen people between June 1984 and September 1985. It is believed that he murdered his victims in their homes casually and he overcame them with a wild offensive attack by applying dangerous force. When he was arrested, he said that he made a decision to murder the victims naturally at the scene. Unfortunately, the rooms which the crime occurred had cameras which captured forensic evidence because he had not masked his face. In contrary, Richard transported arms to the scene and also carried a police frequency scanner which consisted sequences of an organized serial killer (Thomas, 2010). Types of serial killers Research has shown that serial killers can only be classified in reference to their motives and organizational or social patterns. However, most of the serial killers do not fall into a single type, and many of them can be described in more than one type. But none of these types explain what might essentially result someone to be a serial killer. It is from the above categories that we get various types or sub-units of serial killers. Thrill seekers Thrill seekers are serial killers who enjoy overcoming the law, being pursued by the police and receiving attention from the media. One of the factor that distinguish thrill seekers from other serial killers is that they do not enhance privacy in their crimes. They keep sending message to each other and also expose their records of murders. In this case, it is reasonable to categorize thrill seekers as organized serial killers although they do not have advance plan in every crime they commit (Ramsland, 2006). Therefore, they can also be classified as unorganized serial killers. They often apply arms or raping the victims before they stab them to death. Once they kill the victim, they hide the victim’s body and proceed to the next victims where they employ the same tactics unless being caught. Thrill seekers serial killers can also be referred as hedonistic. Medical killers Medical serial killer is involved in medical killing and is very uncommon. Various people have been involved in the medical industry as a technique to carry out their wicked and immoral deeds. Medical killer feels they have the perfect protection since it is very common for people in a clinics to die. This type of serial killers can be categorized as organized because they are highly intelligent and have the idea on how to smartly and carefully cover their killings (Mariotte, 2010). This is because it appears that a victim has passed away naturally, meaning there will be no cause for anyone to sense vulgar play and investigate the crime. Research has indicated that only few medics in history have achieved to murder people before they are suspected. Mission oriented These are killers who claim to undertake murders as in favor of their society. Mission oriented serial killers carry out their crimes by eliminating certain people from the society because they feel that the society can move on without them. The kind of people eliminated include homosexuals or lesbians, drug dealers, young women and prostitutes (Thomas, 2010). These killers can be categorized as organized serial killers since their crimes are well planned and often have a controlled crime scene. Their aim is to modify the society by eradicating a specific group of people and this makes it very easy for investigators to track them. The motive that leads this serial killer to commit murder is intense hatred of a certain group of people. The hatred may be based on gender, race, religion or lifestyle. Control and power killers These are serial killers who enjoy their victims panic, shattering and suffering. Control and power killers can be categorized as organized serial killers and are motivated by various motives such as history of childhood mistreatment, which left them feeling poor and powerless as grown-ups. Most of these killers are similar to thrill seekers because they sexually abuse their victims but they are not inspired by moods of covetousness. They just apply rape to simply control the victim and this make them to be categorized as unorganized serial killers (Ramsland, 2006). Visionary serial killers This type of serial killers rarely experiences isolation from the society and sometimes have a belief that they can be considered in higher entities such as that of â€Å"God†. Visionary serial killers can further be divided into God-mandated and devil-mandated killers. These killers can be categorized as mixed serial killers and an example of such killers is David Berkowitz. This killer claimed to have received an order from demon through his neighbor’s dog to commit murder in his society. Subsequently, visionary serial killers tend to be more disorganized than other murderers thus easy to be tracked down. They are mostly motivated by their own mental illness or psychosis (Mariotte, 2010). Conclusion However, besides the above types of serial killers, there are also many other sub categories which make a serial killer unique based on the nature of crimes and their killing formalities. Most of the serial killers are motivated by different motives to commit their crimes and this can also influence the category at which a serial killer can be categorized. Some of the serial killers are named according to the creatures in the environment such as one of the female serial killer who was named with reference to the female black widow spider which always kills and digests its mates when it lay her eggs (Thomas, 2010). A spree killer is another type of serial killers who murders another person after already murdering someone else. Those serial killers who murders their victims because of sexual arousal can be referred as lust killers. Moreover, cults are considered as serial killers who create clubs that sacrifice people after acceptance of joining their clubs, they can also be referred as group killers. Generally, reality is never as good as dreams and this is why many serial killers choose to murder. Many serials killers are made and not born since they have the capability to balance with their environment. Serial killers seem absolutely normal, however, but beyond all considerations, satisfaction of their desires is the main motive which leads them to commit murder. This means that killings seem to fulfil their desires with the ultimate control over death and life. References Aamodt, M. G., Moyse, C. (2003). 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