Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Menstrual Cycle Essay - 769 Words
The menstrual cycle occurs in the uterus and the ovary as a part of making sexual reproduction possible. The menstrual cycle is a monthly occurrence and happens so the ovary can produce eggs and the uterus can get ready for an egg becoming fertilized. (Wikipedia) The menstrual cycle is a complex cycle and is controlled by hormones produced by many different glands. The hypothalamus causes the pituitary gland to produces chemicals which then cause the ovaries to produce the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Each gland and structure is affected by the activity of another which is a biofeedback . The menstrual cycle has been assumed to last around 28 days and happens in four stages, the menstrual phase (day 1-5), follicular phase (day†¦show more content†¦Negative feedback is caused from the low levels of oestrogen, sending a message to the pituitary gland to increase the levels of FSH and LH. The second phase, follicular phase also starts on the first day of menstruation but unlike the menstruation phase it last until day 13. During this phase the hormone oestrogen is produced, which cause the uterus lining to grow, getting ready to receive a fertilized egg if you happen to get pregnant. (Menstrupedia) The hormone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) also stimulates the growth of the ovarian follicles. Each of the follicles contains an immature egg. Towards the end of the follicle stage only one follicle will remain active. While the egg cell matures, this stimulates the uterus starts to thicken and prepare for pregnancy. The developing follicle causes a rise in the oestrogen levels which is detected by the hypothalamus which releases the hormone gonadotrophn releasing hormone (GnRH) which prompts the pituitary gland to produce higher levels of luteinising hormone (LH) and FSH. The third phase, ovulation phase happens on day 14, is the release of a mature egg, which usually happens around two weeks before the start of menstruation. (Menstrupedia) During this phase meiosis I occurs so a secondary oocyte is formed. Meiosis I is the dividing of a cell to produce two haploid cells. The high levels of LH, within two days, triggers ovulation. The uterus lining prepares for implantation as it continues to grow andShow MoreRelatedMenstrual Cycle7395 Words  | 30 PagesCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Menstrual cycle is a process experienced by every female at one point in their life cycle. In the olden days a young lady experiences her first menstruation in her late teens or early twenties. In recent times, however, some begin their menstrual cycle as early as nine years. The age at menarche (the first time a girl or a young woman menstruates) is widely considered as an important landmark in sexual maturity. 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